United States welcomes prospective Indian students
July 28, 2011 | New Delhi
The United States is proud of its record of welcoming foreign students, and in particular the numerous Indian students who enrich America's academic communities. The number of Indian students who have applied for visas to study in the United States increased by 20% over the same period last year. This increase is an indication of the dynamism of the Indo-U.S. partnership and the strong people-to-people ties between the two nations. It also reflects the desire of high quality Indian students to pursue a world-class education in the U.S.
Prospective students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the free resources offered by the U.S. government and fully research the academic options available to them. The Embassy is to provide accurate, free information that allows students and their families to research schools and to protect themselves from visa fraud rings. All legitimate students have a fair chance to study in the U.S.
As always, the U.S. government urges all prospective students to fully research their chosen educational institutes and have a firm grasp of what is and is not permitted under a student visa. In particular, all students must be aware that any of the following will result in an immediate violation of status:
- Lack of physical attendance at classes (taking only online courses is not acceptable)
- Failure to maintain a full courseload
- Unauthorized employment
Violating the terms of a visa can result in deportation, arrest and even a bar on future travel to the United States. If any educational advisor or academic organization suggests that such actions are permissible under a student visa, we strongly recommend students contact the Embassy immediately in order to prevent committing visa fraud. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he or she is in accordance with the law.
Visa fraud is not a victimless crime – genuine, hardworking students are hindered from studying in the U.S. when fraudulent applicants take up their visa appointments and admission spots. It is critical that all prospective students utilize the resources offered to them by the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Consulates in India to fully research their academic options.
More than 100,000 Indian students are currently studying at universities across the United States, and thousands more will join them in the coming academic year. Because the number of student visa applications in India is already significantly higher than at this point last year, in response the U.S. has greatly expanded its consular staffing and educational outreach initiatives to ensure that prospective students can get the visa appointments and information they need.
This effort includes significantly increased funding for the EducationUSA Advising Centers at the U.S.-India Educational Foundation (USIEF). Educational seminars and advising opportunities continue to be hosted by EducationUSA advisers at various locations around the country, both in-person and via the internet. In addition, within the next months, the EducationUSA center at USIEF New Delhi is expecting to introduce a telephone hotline and virtual information hub. These and other resources will allow any prospective student to not only learn more about studying in the U.S., but also guard against visa fraud.
More information on all available resources and full seminar schedules are available at USIEF and Education USA.
Visa applicants from any location in India may e-mail the Embassy at any time for free and accurate visa information direct from the source, or visit the U.S. Embassy's website.